The road towards a guilt-free life – wecare

The road towards a guilt-free life

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The road towards a guilt-free life

Date : June 25, 2021 | Author : Nikhil Thakker | Category : Direct Equity, Life Insurance

In this fast-paced life, everybody wants everything on-the-go, easy-to-make and quick-to-learn. We are living in a world of instant gratification. However, often enough, a quick-fix lifestyle brings in a lot of guilty and afterthoughts. For every piece of chocolate cake, there’s an extra mile (or two!) of run to burn those calories and miserable guilt. But what about your financial health after the liberal expenditures for all things you really don’t need? Fret not! We offer to you five simple ways to live a guilt-free life through clever investment ideas:

1)Get organised, go systematic
Yearly rise in price, or inflation, gradually decreases purchasing power. Through systematic planned investment, not only will you stay ahead of inflation, but also enjoy some amazing benefits which would lead you to book that trip you always wanted to go with your friends and family without having to worry about your savings or your child’s future. Through calculated investment, one can think ahead of time and live a guilt-free life.
2)Grow your money
Investment helps long term goals come to reality by bringing financial stability. When you invest money, the return you receive is higher than the principal amount. By safely parking your money, the return is bound to grow. This way, you can easily plan finances well according to your personal needs.
3)Secure your family
Your can set #family-goals for the rest of the world by being mindful of your money. Planned investment can get you an early retirement because money begins to give your returns. Investing now can reduce the financial burden for your child’s education. Small steps for bigger leap. If you start investing early, you will have enough liquidity in the future. The sooner you start investing, the better yet… do not be restricted by your age. It’s better to start now than never.
4)Anticipate Profits
Unlike other ways, planned investments would help you anticipate appreciation. This gives investors a winning edge over other methods of growing money. Since all the regulations are pre-stated, it becomes possible for the investor to foresee the probable outcome. It is a massive advantage as it allows the investors to plan their finance accordingly.
5)Be flexible with your investment
Investments can vary according to the investors’ budget and savings. There’s no thumb rule or fixed amounts however the results may vary. Higher the risk, better the reward. It depends on the investor solely. The added benefit here is that the investor does not have to wait until enough cash is accumulated. Therefore, there would be an optimum utilisation of cash and subsequent higher rewards.
It’s best to avoid unnecessary traps of loans with high interest. For some, investment is a habit but if you choose it as a lifestyle then you can definitely live a life free of any stress or guilt.